What is Involved in a Sports Administration Business?

sports administration business
Personal/Fitness Training Blog

Interested in a career in sports administration? Well, you’re in luck because there are loads of jobs in the sports administration arena out there! Out of all the fitness careers out there, a career in sports administration is probably the most rewarding. Here’s why.

What Goes on Behind the Scenes in a Sports Administration Office?

A sports administrator is the heartbeat of the sports facility. It is his or her job to make sure that everything flows smoothly, from the functioning and performance of a team to the back-end office where they will have to deal with administrative tasks such as collecting membership fees, organising sponsorships and keeping on top of finances. If the sports administrator doesn’t know what to do – or is inefficient – the whole operation will fail.

A Sports Administration Professional Needs to Have a Variety of Interests

As can be seen from the above, if you are a sports administrator for a sports club or a sports team – or if you run your own sports club and have your own sports administration business – you’ll end up doing a lot of things, not necessarily only related to sports and fitness. From organising trainers for your sports team to facilitating the HR and finance section of your club, as a sports administrator this will fall under your job description. This means that you will need to be interested in the business aspects (and making them work) as well as in honing the physical aspects of your team.

What does a Sports Administration Professional do?

According to the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) a sports administrator performs the following roles:

“… administer, organise and facilitate creative and innovative sports programmes and physical activities within communities … “

Trifocus Fitness Academy’s Sports Administration Course will equip you to be the best sports administrator you can be! Modules on this course include:

Apply administrative skills and knowledge

• Draw up a comprehensive business plan.
• Plan and implement operational procedures for the business.
• Carry out administrative functions, financial and accounting procedures which will support the business.

Apply professional values and ethics

• Describe what professional values are.
• Be able to indicate how professional values function in an organisation.
• Describe what professional accountability is.

Describe what professional values are

• Be able to indicate how professional values function in an organisation.
• Describe what professional accountability is.
• Operate professionally.

Explain what a ‘sports-related’ multi-disciplinary team is

• Describe how a sports facility operates.
• Describe legal and ethical business practices.
• Manage finances.