To succeed in the fitness industry, you need to have a certain set of skills and expertise. The first thing that you need is a love of fitness. You need to eat, breathe and sleep fitness. If you don’t do this, fitness as a career is not for you. Next, you need to have passed an accredited fitness course, such as one of the ones as Trifocus Fitness Academy. And finally you need to market yourself well.
Careers in the Fitness Industry
By far the most popular career in the fitness industry is being a personal trainer. A trainer who’s worth his or her salt will keep on top of fitness trends so as to deliver the very best service to their clients. He or she will know that top fitness trends for 2017 – according to the Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine – are bodyweight training and high intensity interval training (HIIT) which will incinerate calories so that they can give their personal training clients the very best.
What are the Essential Skills a Personal Trainer needs to Have?
As mentioned above, anyone who wants to become part of the fitness industry – and being a personal trainer is no exception – needs to have a love of fitness. They need to wake up in the morning, excited about the clients that they need to train that day. If this does not describe you, you need to find another career.
Next a personal trainer needs to have passed an accredited fitness course, preferably a personal training certification or diploma like the ones on offer at Trifocus Fitness Academy as these will provide you with the best grounding in fitness knowledge out there.
Take the Personal Training Certification. The modules on this fitness course cover the basics that every personal trainer needs for know, for example:
- Test clients’ cardio-respiratory endurance using well-known measuring methods.
- Test clients’ muscular fitness and flexibility using well-known measuring methods.
- Assess the composition of your client’s body.
Health screening
- Conduct a screening procedure in a way that takes your clients’ feelings into consideration.
- Interpret the information you get from the screening to determine what exercises your clients can do.
- Help your client set exercise and fitness goals.
Motivation techniques
- Put together motivation techniques for your clients.
- Use health psychology principles to motivate your clients.
- Help your clients to set short-term and long-term goals.
Exercise programme design
- Design the cardio-respiratory programmes.
- Design resistance and flexibility training programmes.
- Design weight management and body composition programmes.
Lead and instruct exercise programmes
- Assist clients to develop their training regime.
- Coach clients through the programme you’ve developed for them.
- Demonstrate verbal and non-verbal communication skills as well as teaching methods.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!
Marketing in the Fitness Industry
To be successful in any industry – not just the fitness industry – you need to let people know about you and the services you offer. There are many, many ways that you can market yourself – some very expensive, with others less expensive.
Read our article – entitled How to market yourself as a Personal Trainer on Social Media – to get some tips and tricks about marketing.
Need more information about our personal training courses as well as our other fitness courses? Follow this link and one of our experienced sales consultants will get back to you.