Tips for Improving Business Writing Skills.

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Personal/Fitness Training Blog

Personal trainers and other fitness professionals not only need to be great in terms of their fitness skills but also need super business writing skills as they will need to compile a lot of business-related documentation such as business plans as well as emails to clients. Here are a number of ways that personal trainers and fitness professionals can improve their business writing skills.

Be Clear And Concise

The first thing which you need to learn is how to be clear and concise in what you say. Everyone who you communicate with is busy and is dealing with overflowing inboxes each and every single day. This means that you need to be explicit in conveying your message otherwise you risk your email finding the trash folder a little too quickly.

A great way of doing this is to put your main point in the first sentence of your message. For example, if you need to arrange a training session, your first sentence could be, “Can we arrange a session on Friday morning?” After this, you can then use the rest of the message to add contextual details your client needs to know.

Identify Your Specific Weaknesses and Strengths

This can be quite challenging if the only feedback you have received is you ‘need to improve’. Where to begin? There are so many entrenched skills in business writing which means that it’s important to understand what is working in addition to what needs improvement.

There are three vital metrics for business writing:

  • Split the information/substance/content of a document from the words which express the information/substance/content. There is the information. In addition, there are the words that express that information. We have to look at these separately in order to identify strengths and weaknesses.
  • Reflect on the information contained in your usual documents. Do your clients have the information that they need? Is it grouped logically? Does it flow logically? This is the information or substance of your document.
  • Reflect on the words that you use to express the information. This is the syntax, or the way you utilise words.

Know Your Audience Well

Many different people, in varying roles across other companies and organisations – as well as your own – require different style of writing. In the same way that you tailor a business pitch differently, depending on who you’re talking to, you must keep your audience in mind when it comes to all business writing.

Edit and Edit Again

When you’ve written a draft of your business communication – be it an email or a WhatsApp – don’t send it off straight away. Come back to the draft, take a look for areas which can be improved – particularly the strength as well as the clarity.

Don’t just edit once, either. Take the time and go over the message a few times. Really pay attention to what can be changed in order to make the message more effective. Try reading out loud – you’ll be amazed what you catch just by vocalising what you’ve written – and ask a third party to lend another pair of eyes.

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If you want to learn the technical skills of what it takes to become a personal trainer then you really need to do our Personal Training Diploma. Follow this link for more information.

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