We Catch Up With Trifocus Ambassador, Manuela Incendiario

Trifocus Graduates Q&A
Personal/Fitness Training Blog

Manuela Incendiario Q&A

Manuela Incendiario

Why did you choose Trifocus Fitness Academy for your college

Being in the fitness industry for a number of years I have had the privilege of working with Trifocus and love their professionalism. Trifocus is World renown in the fitness arena and did a little  research that confirmed how highly recommend they are . I am a firm believer in choosing the best for my studies no matter the cost as there can never be a price on education , I also know from my other career that good foundation training is the best platform for a successful career.

What Course did you just complete?

I chose to do Life coaching  , I am vegan and deal a lot with mindfulness coaching too, and my goals for 2018 is to integrate MIND, BODY SOUL Transformations. Clients don’t realize how  important goal setting is in a wellness lifestyle . It can be completely life changing.

What did you enjoy best about this course?

The course material is very comprehensive and gives a lot of scenarios to explain certain modules and life lessons which I loved. I also  loved that it can apply to my real life situations and I can ultimately better my goals and life thru this course before even applying it to my clients. There is a a lot of assessments to get thru but it helps you to learn so much.

How did you like the online learning material what parts of the online experience did you enjoy the most? (if the question is applicable)

With the course being part time for me it was awesome to be able to break the course the then return back to the exact same spot. I also loved the videos and surprising the multiple choice questions.

Would you recommend Trifocus to your colleagues and why?

Trifocus is the way to go in terms of online learning and ensuring you stay focused and succeed. There is always that element of risk when going with an online learning academy as you need to be someone that’s motivated . However with Trifocus the back end and functionality of the APP and online learning platform is awesome ! As the course is so hands on and comprehensive that you feel like you can go with confidence  into the selected industry immediately after qualifying

How has becoming qualified with Trifocus improved your Life Style and Wellness out look?

The skills given during the life coaching course are life skills to carry with you in the path of life , they improve confidence and give clarity so I can say that the course has had a positive effect on my life . I walk with confidence knowing I am qualified and can make a difference in peoples lives ! Thank you for this opportunity Trifocus and Lisa Schneider!

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