Which Type of Squats Should You Choose?

Personal/Fitness Training Blog

Isometric squats, while being the most common, is a movement that creates a massive variety of variants. Sometimes it can be difficult to decide which ones would fit your workout routine. While the type of squats we mention in this article are excellent workouts, the matter of fitness goals and experience may change their value depending on who you are. So let’s take a look at all of them and who they would be best suited to.

Squat Variations

Isometric Squats

Bodyweight or isometric squats are straightforward, require no equipment and are effective.  Squats offer a full body workout and also strengthens bones and ligaments. Normal, bodyweight squats are great for beginners since they give you a chance to get your form right. Having said that, they are an effective workout no matter how experienced you are.

How to do one

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, push your hip slightly backwards and bend your knees to lower your upper body until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Be sure to raise your arms to the height of your chest so that they are also parallel to the ground.

Kettlebell Squats

Kettlebell squats put a cardiovascular swing on regular squats and are also regarded as an effective workout for kettlebell routines. They have the great advantage of combining a full-body workout with strength training. Without careful attention to form, however, they can result in injury, especially with heavy weights. Still, they are an excellent workout for those looking for all-over endurance and strength.

How to do one

Stand with your feet slightly wider apart than you would for an isometric squat with your toes pointing outward for balance. Stand straight and hold a kettlebell in both hands in front of your chest. Keep your elbows close to your body.

Perform a squat by bending down. Maintain your posture as you do until your legs are parallel to the floor. This will be the starting position for the remaining reps.

Straighten your legs while swinging the kettlebell up so that when you are standing, your arms are parallel to the floor. Now, return to the squat position with the kettlebell between your legs.

Dumbbell Squats

Dumbbell squats are a little more difficult than isometric squats. They are generally used for building lower body and core strength. These are rarely suitable for absolute beginners since they require a certain amount of correct form so that they can be done safely. This is true of all of the remaining types of squats on this list. It is always wise to first spend time building strength and practising form with isometric squats before attempting these exercises with dumbbells.

How to do one

Stand straight up, holding a dumbbell in each hand, with your palms facing inward. Position your legs at shoulder’s distance apart and stand with your toes slightly pointed out to assist with balance.

Now, while carefully maintaining a straight posture and facing forward, bend your knees until your thighs are horizontal with the ground.

Barbell Back Squats

Barbell squats can be done according to a weight you are comfortable with but it is best to start out low. If you haven’t really done them before, be sure to pay attention to form and have somebody spot you. They are excellent for lower-body strength and endurance training, working out the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings and calves.

How to do one

Hold a barbell so that it is supported on top of the trapezius (shoulder and neck) with your neck and chest at all times. Face forward. Without moving the hips back, if possible, start to descend into a squat while flexing your knees and keeping your weight on your front heel.

Pulse Squats

Pulse squats are a slight variation of isometric ones and, in that way, also require no equipment. They are good for mid-and lower body strength as well as for your core muscles. They focus particularly on glutes and hips. They are as good for beginners as they are for anybody else but they can put a lot of strain on your knees – more so than regular squats.

How to do one

Begin as you would with an isometric squat: legs shoulder-width apart, arms parallel to the ground. Now sink into a squat, thighs at a ninety-degree angle to the floor. Then raise, half-way up so that your knees are at a 45-degree angle. Return to a full squat.

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