What makes up the elbow?

Personal/Fitness Training Blog

The elbow joint is a ginglymus or hinge joint. It is the joint which connects the upper arm to the forearm. The elbow is one of the main joints in the body. In conjunction with the shoulder joint and wrist, the elbow gives the arm much of its versatility, as well as structure and durability.

The trochlea of the humerus is inserted into the semilunar notch of the ulna. In addition, the capitulum of the humerus forms a joint with the fovea on the head of the radius. The articular surfaces are joined together by a capsule which is medially and laterally and, to a lesser degree, in front and behind.

These thickened portions are typically described as distinct ligaments under the following names:

  • The Anterior
  • The Posterior
  • The Ulnar Collateral
  • The Radial Collateral

How does the elbow move?

The elbow joint consists of three different portions:

  • The joint between the ulna and the humerus,
  • That between the head of the radius as well as the humerus, and
  • The proximal radioulnar articular.

All these articular surfaces are enclosed by a common synovial membrane and the movements of the whole joint should be studied collectively. The combination of the movements of flexion as well as extension of the forearm, with those of pronation as well as supination of the hand, which is ensured by the two being performed at the same join, is essential for the accuracy of several tiny movements of the hand.

The portion of the joint in the middle of the ulna and the humerus is a simple hinge joint and allows movements of flexion and extension only. Owing to the angle of the trochlea of the humerus this movement does not happen in the antero-posterior level of the body of the humerus. When the forearm is extended and supinated the axes of the arm and forearm are not in exactly the identical line. The arm forms an obtuse angle along with the forearm, the hand as well as the forearm

During flexion, however, the forearm, as well as the hand, have a tendency to approach the middle line of the body and thus allow the hand to be carried to the face easily. The precise adaptation of the trochlea of the humerus, with its prominences as well as depressions, to the semilunar notch of the ulna stops any lateral movement. Flexion is created by the action of the biceps brachii and triceps brachii and anconeus helped by the wrist extensors, the extensor digitorum communis in addition to the extensor digiti quinti proprius.

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What is tennis elbow?

Tennis elbow is a kind of tendinitis – swelling of the tendons – which causes pain in the elbow as well as the arm. These tendons are bands of strong tissue which connect the muscles of your lower arm to the bone.

Notwithstanding its name, you can still contract tennis elbow even if you’ve not ever been near a tennis court. Rather, any monotonous gripping activities, particularly if they use the thumb and first two fingers, can contribute to tennis elbow. Tennis elbow is the most common explanation of why people consult their doctors for elbow pain. It can pop up in individuals of any age however it’s most common at about age 40.

What causes tennis elbow?

Tennis elbow typically develops over time. Monotonous motions – such as gripping a racket in the course of a swing – can strain the muscles as well as put too much stress on the tendons. This continual tugging can ultimately cause microscopic tears in the tissue.

Tennis elbow might stem from:

  • Tennis
  • Racquetball
  • Squash
  • Fencing
  • Weightlifting

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