Yoga Asanas To Strengthen The Immune System

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Yoga Blog

Stress is one of the foremost triggers of sickness. When we’re chronically stressed, the deep tissue which surrounds our organs, muscles, bones, tendons as well as ligaments (which are called fascia) is compromised.

This is because fascia is made up of nerves, it is necessary for us to move and stretch our body so that the fascia can be “rung out”. Considering our organs and tissue to be like sponges, absorbing what we put into our bodies. By stretching as well as moving, we release the stagnant energy within our cells so permitting it to remove the dangerous toxins in our bodies.

Alongside this, our blood requires oxygen in order to keep the body healthy and assist in cell growth. Intentional breath work gives our blood the boost of oxygen that is needed to generate new circulation. When performing asanas (yoga poses) and pranayama breathing, we’re assisting this circulation process in our systems. This leads to health and stronger immunity.

Simply explained, yoga is movement that is linked with breath. Through incorporating yoga into our routines, we are able to significantly strengthen our body’s ability to combat sickness.

Locust Pose

Lie flat on your chest on your mat and keep your arms stretched out ahead of you. Make sure that you maintain your knees in a straight position and your feet together. Inhale and then lift your legs and arms up together. Lift your head up and raise your chest off the floor as much as possible. Hold the pose for 10 seconds.

Revolved Chair Pose

Twisted postures in yoga are wonderful for the overall health of your body. Revolved chair pose, in particular, provides an even deeper “ringing out” of the kidneys and digestive organs. This results in an internal detox. This pose is also excellent for the deepening of breath and is ultra-grounding.

Allow the breath to root this pose and find grounded stillness in your legs. Bring your arms into prayer and utilise your elbows against your thighs in order to deepen the twist and then release with breath.

Low Lunge Pose

Begin in Samasthithi. This is a simple standing asana, with the feet together and the body upright. There are variations within different styles of yoga about the precise nature of samasthiti, but it is often utilised as an alternate name for tadasana (which translates as ‘mountain pose’).

Step back with your left leg and then drop your knee. Extend your toes out and your legs need to be wide enough in order to align your right knee with the right ankle. Push your pelvis downward.

Raise your arms overhead. Bend your upper body back and then form an arch (which resembles half a moon).

Standing Backbend

Backbends are expressly detoxifying for the adrenal glands, which can become exasperated owing to stress. A standing backbend is an altered version of Camel pose and is particularly useful in opening up the respiratory system. During the cold season, use a standing backbend in order to strengthen the lungs and maintain the nasal passage open for breath.

Standing first in mountain pose, make use of the core in order to lift the upper body upright and back. Put your hands on your lower back directly above your glutes. Breathe in and allow your body to lift and then extend backwards. Hold here for a few deep breaths and then come up slowly as backbends may cause a light-headed sensation.

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