Racheida Eilerd Q&A
Why did you choose Trifocus Fitness Academy for your college?
When I saw the Trifocus Fitness Academy advert online last year, I wanted to join immediately because you were located in South Africa and it was affordable.
What Course did you just complete?
Aerobics Instructor
What did you enjoy best about this course?
Without a doubt the exam video because everyone had a lot of fun.
How did you like the online learning material what parts of the online experience did you enjoy the most? (If the question is applicable)
Not applicable.
Would you recommend Trifocus to your colleagues and why?
Definitely ! No matter what age you are, you can always learn something new and even though you are not planning to go into the fitness industry you can always improve your lifestyle.
How has becoming qualified with Trifocus improved your Life Style and Wellness out look?
I do feel more confident with myself in front of a class. I feel that I have a new drive to focus on my new fitness business.