How To Programme An Exercise Routine For People Who’ve Undergone A Knee Replacement

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Personal/Fitness Training Blog

Following your surgery, your leg muscles may feel weaker than before due to inactivity while recovering – and even as a result of compensating for the injury before having the surgery. While the surgery may have fixed the initial problem, your knee isn’t immediately ready to take on the world and you will need to find ways to regain your strength and mobility. You’ll also need to find ways to reduce pain and swelling to make the healing process easier.

Types Of Knee Surgery

Arthroscopic surgery:  This surgery involves a small incision made on the knee in which thin instruments are inserted – one of which being a camera – to make the relevant repair. This is often done to remove or repair damaged cartilage and stabilise the joint, reconstructing an anterior cruciate ligament, removing inflamed connective tissue, removing loose bone fragments and treating sepsis.

Knee replacement: This procedure is more invasive as it requires removing the damaged pieces and replacing it with an artificial joint that can be made of plastic, ceramic or metal. This procedure is estimated to last about 15 years before needing to be redone.

Managing Swelling

Tips for alleviating swelling can include:

  • Use painkillers and anti-inflammatories as prescribed
  • Making sure that your legs are kept at the same level as your heart is
  • Using a cold compress or ice pack
  • Practising ankle pumps
  • Getting sufficient rest
  • Clean your wound dressings regularly
  • Wear your brace

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Improving Your Range Of Motion

Following your knee surgery, you will need to work on bending and stretching your legs – slowly though, don’t force it. This will assist you with moving around easier and avoid walking with a limp. You can also try to sit with your knees bent during meals times and avoid resting your knee on a pillow.

A simple exercise to get started is simply walking around your home or garden during the day. Use a cane or walking aid in order to get started to prevent unnecessary strain on your injury. As you make progress, you will be able to increase the distance and slowly ween yourself off of your walking aid.

While you need to try to remain active following your surgery, you need to take it easy and start simple. If you begin to feel additional pain and swelling, rather stop and take a break.

Additional exercises can include:

  • Thigh squeezes
  • Ankle pumps
  • Leg slides – keep your leg straight and move from side to side
  • Leg lifts and raises
  • Seated kicks
  • Swimming – once your wound has healed

As with any serious surgery, recovery will take time and the process will not be the same for any two people. While the incision site may heal within a month or so, the internal recovery may take a lot longer and need a lot more dedication. IT may be painful and disheartening at times, but it’s important to push through if you are to make a speedy recovery and go back to leading your normal lifestyle. If you experience any additional pain, swelling or discomfort while healing, please consult your doctor to ensure that everything is still on track.

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