The concept of a superset is to do two exercises back to back. This is followed by a short rest (however not always). This essentially doubles the amount of work you are doing, while keeping the recovery periods the same as they are when you finish individual exercises.
Supersets are a fantastic way to maximise your time in the gym. They can efficiently double the amount of work which you do during your workout. Alternatively, you can complete your workout in half the time if you’re a time-pressed person.
What Are The Benefits Of Supersets?
Supersets can be utilised as a way to perform more exercises in a specific length of time. While your muscles are recovering from a set, you are doing another exercise as opposed to than taking a break.
You are able to go back to the first exercise to perform another set and continue with that pattern until you require a break for a drink or – alternatively – recovery.
Supersets put an emphasis on stamina as well as ability, as the lack of a break between sets can be extremely challenging.
What Are The Different Types of Superset Workouts?
For your straightforward gym-goer, calling these things the broad term of “supersets” will do the job. However if you truly want to know what you’re talking about (as well as impress everyone in the weight room), learn the various types of superset workouts and how they can assist you to achieve even more strength gains.
If you go by the very-specific definition, a real superset (antagonist superset) is when you’re doing two exercises which target opposing muscles groups. Think about a biceps curl and a triceps extension. The main benefit of adding these to your workout is that your muscles will recover quicker in between sets. When one group of muscles is being contracted, its functional opposite will relax so reducing the requirement of a break or rest time between exercises.
Then there’s also the compound set (agonist superset) where both exercises work the same muscle groups. Think: a push-up and a dumbbell bench press. These babies are the ones that will target one zone and get it burning, stat.
They’re particularly helpful for adding intensity and volume to a workout in addition to focusing on specific muscle groups and is the most demanding type of superset. Some personal trainers even argue that you shouldn’t call these superset workouts at all — merely compound sets.
As well there are also unrelated supersets, which is where the two exercises utilise totally different muscles groups. Think about lunges and biceps curls. The maim advantage of this kind of superset is that there is no lowering of strength in going from one type of exercise to the other kind of workout. You will be able to hammer out quality reps of both without feeling super fatigued.
What Does A Full Body Superset Workout Look Like?
A full-body superset workout; concentrating on larger compound movements, and concentrating on a lower body/upper body set-up could look something like this:
- Superset No. 1. Back squats and dumbbell chest press.
- Superset No. 2. Lunges and bent over row.
- Superset No. 3. Romanian deadlifts and military press.
- Superset No. 4. Leg press and tricep dips.
This is an extremely effective but challenging superset workout. So ensure that you’re comfortable performing each exercise and then adjust the weight depending on how challenging you find each set as you go through the workout. The key is to keep the rest periods short so that your heart works harder.
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