What Are The Most Important Life Coaching Tools?

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Life Coaching Blog

Life coaching techniques and tools, if they are used in the correct way, can alter the direction of a client’s life and assist them with achieving continuous growth, prosperity in addition to sustainable success.

Effective life coaching goes far beyond the ability to ask the correct questions in the correct order. Great life coaches are experts in steering their clients throughout the process of change. They enhance as well as enable their clients to achieve their full potential, defeat roadblocks and help them to accomplish sustainable and lasting success.

What Are Life Coaching Tools?

Most frequently, life coaching tools are forms, worksheets or exercises which are given to the client in order to assist them with moving forward, learning something new or taking action. Each and every single life coaching tool covers a specific topic and – when matched to a client’s individual situation – deepens a client’s understanding of themselves, assisting them to see things differently, learn as well as make a change in their lives.

Life coaching tools are an addition to the coaching relationship and conversation. Life coaching exercises can be utilised in:

  • One-on-one coaching sessions,
  • Workshops,
  • Groups, or
  • Provided as homework.

These tools provide additional opportunities to inform our clients and heighten their awareness. In turn, this helps clients create time for reflection in order to solidify their learnings and move

The Five-Minute Pre-Session Check-in

Let your clients fill in a short questionnaire before each life coaching session. This assists both you and your clients with the process of recognising any progress and success which have occurred since the last session.

As the life coach, you’ll be able to find out if there were roadblocks as well as what your clients have been struggling with. It shows you what is bothering them most at the moment in addition to what they would like to focus on for the duration of their next session.

This technique assists your clients to prepare mentally for the upcoming meeting and makes your session preparations super effective. There won’t be many surprises and, in addition, you are easily able adjust the session to your client’s needs. In addition, this is also a perfect group and team life coaching technique as you can utilise the answers as a starting off point for the next meeting.

Let Clients Take Notes And Share The Golden Nuggets After Each Session

Encourage your clients to share their golden nuggets from each session with you. This will leave them with a clear picture of just how much value (ROI) they got out of your coaching. It’s quite straightforward to assist them with getting going such as with just a few simple questions. For example: “What was the most valuable take-home from this session?“

This life coaching technique assists you with finding out the client’s “Aha“ moments and avoiding misunderstandings. If all these notes are organised in a shared stream, which is accessible to both you and the client, it is possible for you to reread and recap these nuggets any time at subsequent stages during the process.

Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy

These are just several of the tools that life coaches have in their arsenal. If you want to learn more about these types of techniques then you should really do our Life Coaching Certification. Follow this link for more information.

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